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Dimension commands

Additional functions > Dimension > Dimension commands

Ribbon: Tools -> Dimension -> Bemaßungsstil Standard Maßstab? Bemaßungsstil Linear Basislinie Weiter Ausrichten Bogenlänge Radiusbemaßung Durchmesserbemaßung Winkelbemaßung Mittelpunkt Maßtext bearbeiten Bemaßung aktualisieren Ursprung Bemaßung Bemaßungen teilen Bemaßungen verbinden Bemaßung ausrichten Blechbemaßung komplett Bemaßungstext freie Eingabe Bemaßungstil und Maßabstände ändern Im Ansichtsfenster vermaßen


Command: "Dim - style standard" Dimension Style Default Sets the dimension style to a style preset in the SYSCAD variable. (Can load different styles through the flyout function).


Command: "Scale ?" Scale ?Sets a scaling factor for linear dimensions.


Command: "Dimensioning style" Dimension Style Opens the drawing explorer (BricsCAD) or the dimensioning dialogue (AutoCAD).


Command: "Linear" Linear Creates a linear dimension using a horizontal, vertical or rotated dimension line.


Command: "Basisline" Baseline Creates a linear, angular or coordinate dimension from the baseline of the last dimension created or the selected dimension.


Command: "Continue" Next Creates a dimension that starts at an auxiliary line of the last dimension created or selected.


Command: "Aligned" Align Creates an aligned linear dimension.


Command: "Arc length" Arc length With arc length dimensions you measure the distance along an arc or arc segment of a polyline. The auxiliary lines of an arc length dimension can be orthogonal or radial.


Command: "Radius dimension" Radius dimensioning Creates a radius dimension for a circle or an arc.


Command: "Diameter dimension" Diameter dimension Creates a diameter dimension for a circle or an arc.


Command: "Angular dimension" Angle dimensioning Measures the angle between selected geometric objects or three points.


Command: "Center mark" Centre point Creates the non-associative centre point or centre lines of circles and arcs.


Command: "Dimension text edit" Edit dimension text Moves and rotates dimension text and positions the dimension line at a different place.


Command: "Dimension update" Update dimensioning Updates dimensions if they were not created associatively (command up to AutoCAD 2010).


Command: "Explode Dimension" Origin Dimensioning Decomposes dimensions into their origin.


Command: "Divide dimension" Split dimensions Divides dimensions at a defined point.


Command: "Connect dimension" Connect dimensions Connects two or more dimensions.


Command: "Align dimensions" Align dimensioning Aligns dimensions to a defined vanishing point.


Command: "Sheet dimensioning complete" Sheet metal dimensioning complete Dimensions a sheet metal on all sides.


Command: "Dimension text user input" Dimension text free input Opens the dialogue box "Change text" and lets you enter a text. Selecting the dimension then changes the dimension text.


Command: "Change dimension style and distances" Change dimension style and dimension distances Opens a dialogue box for changing the dimension style.


Command: "Dimensioning from viewport to another" Measure in viewport Measures points between viewports.