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Viewport orthogonal

Additional functions > Viewports > Viewport orthogonal

Viewports orthogonal with fixed or variable viewport dimension:

Toolbar: SYSCAD Programs -> SYSFLY-Viewports -> Model nach Layout orthogonal or Model nach Layout orthogonal (ungleiche AFenster)

Ribbon: SYSCAD Programs -> Viewports -> Model nach Layout orthogonal or Model nach Layout orthogonal (ungleiche AFenster)


This function is used to display horizontal and vertical sections in true glass length from the model space in the layout area with reference dimensions.

The time-consuming positioning of the viewports in the paper area is done by SYSCAD.

Important! Call the command from the layout, that you want to use for positioning the viewports!


Section in the model-space

Select the first visible windows in the model space. This window defines the sizes of further windows. Select the further windows always orthogonal to the first window from the left to the right or from the bottom up. Press RETURN key or right mouse button to finish this loop. Select the insertion point of the section in the layout area. To display the dimensions of the section choose the text option "HORIZONTAL at reference line 1" from the 'Dimension style"

Viewport orthogonal

If you set the variable "factor for viewport window" in the SYSCAD VARIABLE / LIST / VIEWPORT WINDOW to 0, you are asked for the scale factor every time when generating the viewports.

With the variant "Viewport model by layout orthogonal (unequal View)". Model by layout orthogonal (unequal AFenster) viewports of different widths are used and created.

Model to layout (unequal view)


Hint: The AutoCAD variable maxactvp is used to control the maximum number of viewports, that can be active in a layout at the same time.